Hosting Programs with Ukraine
07/31/2022 Update: We do not believe hosting will be available for quite some time. However, that being said, we are going to keep up the application and the website. If you want to apply to be ready should things come together, you are more than welcome. We will formally kick off a program as soon as Ukraine allows it. We do still have profiles of the children we will try to get hosted when it is possible but some of those children may be too old to host and new children that were too young may become available to host so this list is fluid. We appreciate all of your prayers and willingness to host these children. We believe everything is done in God's perfect timing and when he is ready these children will be able to come visit us in America! Thank you for praying for them and for their safety during this difficult time!
We are super excited to announce our partnership with Host Children! Host Children has been hosting children from Ukraine in both summer and winter programs since 1999. Tatiana is very experienced and has all of the relationships in place both in the United States and Ukraine and has been utilizing them since her program inception. While the program is currently suspended due to the war in Ukraine, we continue to pray and hope that hosting will be allowed at some point in the future! We have posted the children's profiles through our site that will be available as soon as the program opens. You may request access to the folder where the children's profiles are stored by clicking here or navigating via the tab above. Attached below you will find the application to host a child through Simply Loved and Host Children. You may scan your completed application and email to for processing. (Note, the document will allow you to open as a Google Document but you will not be able to sign it and much of the formatting is lost, please print it as it is from PDF or save it to your computer and fill it out). The price for hosting will be around $3000 depending on airfare. You will be responsible for finding and paying for your own home safety visit (you can find a list of agencies here: and be sure you ask for just a home safety visit, you do not need a full home study) and your background clearances. More information is available on their website. You can also email Greg Goddard, the program coordinator, at if you have any questions. Thank you for your interest and we look forward to updating profiles and getting you signed up to give a young boy or girl an experience they will never forget!
For more details about the program, click here!