Kyiv Regional Center of Oberig
This orphanage is near and dear to our family's heart. This is where our youngest daughter Eva was being housed when we came to adopt her and her sister Kateryna from Ukraine. This orphanage consists of two separate campuses about 65 km apart from each other in a very rural area of the Kyiv Oblast Region. The director in these two sites wants the best for these children and has a strong vision of assisting the kids living here by improving their living conditions and wants to open a center on the larger campus that would allow children to learn a trade and life skills so that they are prepared for life in Ukraine after they age out. This is something that our family believes in strongly as many of these kids will never be available for adoption. They need to learn how to take care of themselves instead of ending up homeless, addicted to drugs or alcohol, and repeat the cycle or even worse, end their own life in despair. We will post project opportunities to this site and fundraising opportunities to go along with them. We have completed one project as you can see on the next page, a kitchen remodel. Below is a video I created on my recent visit of this space. It is truly amazing. Thank you for praying for and considering supporting this facility!